
Begin Again

Begin Again

Let’s be real,

As magic as exercise is when it comes to improving our lives,

(And make no mistake, exercise is magic)

It also has a dark side…


First of all, fitness is an infinite game.

No matter how fit you get, the game goes on.

It cannot be completed.

Indeed, if you stop, it all goes away!


Then we have the curious force of momentum.

When you’re on track it can feel easy to make the helpful choices.

It feels good and you want to keep that going.

When you’re off track…

it can feel impossible.

And the longer it goes, the harder it gets.


The solution?

Begin again.

Sometimes you’ll begin again with a sense of motivation.

Maybe there’s a significant birthday or event on the horizon that has inspired you. Maybe you’ve got those new year or holiday vibes.


At other times you’ll begin again with a sense of resignation.

You’ve drifted.

You’ve become alarmingly out of shape.

And starting over looks a lot like Everest.


Still, you must begin again.

You might try to tell yourself that you’re too busy or too old or that it’s just too late.

But the alternative – giving up on your health and wellbeing – isn’t what want for your life.


Just back from holiday?

Begin again.


Had a break due to injury or illness?

Begin again.


Not found your way back yet after Covid?

Begin again.


Not exercised consistently since your youth?

Begin again.


Feeling pleased with yourself having done a workout on Monday?

Today is a new day and still you must begin again.


Everyone will have periods in life in which they lose their fitness momentum.

The sooner you can begin again, the better off you will be.

Yes, the best time to start was years ago.

But the second best time is today.




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