
Class Timetable


The AKR class timetable is detailed below. We offer a convenient and flexible schedule for our clients via our custom app and booking system. Below is an indication of our schedule.

Personal Training

Our small-group PT sessions run on weekdays at quarter past the hour, every hour, from 0615 – 1915 (inclusive)* and on Saturdays at 0815 & 0915.

*Exceptions: Thursday 1115-1415; Friday 1915.

Class Timetable

In addition, our members have unlimited access to our class timetable.

Click here to view our latest class timetable.

Book your free Strategy Session to get started

Everybody starts with a 1-2-1 Strategy Session. It's a chance to have a chat in person, to see our facility and to get a personalised introduction into how we do things. From there, you can choose to sign up for our 30-Day Trial …or walk away at no cost.